22 February 2023 Submission deadline for abstract submissions
28 March 2023 Abstracts authors first notification about abstract status (approved, revision or rejection).
11 April 2023 Revision time for abstracts authors.
May 2023 Notification for abstract authors about final decisions about status and format.
 31 May 2023 Registration of oral presentation authors
5 July 2023 Early bird registration
Until 15 July 2023 Full registration

The scientific programme of ISAE2023 below is subject to change until oral presenters have registered to the congress and paid the registration fee. Due to this, the organising committee reserves the right to make relevant changes in the programme. 

July 31, 2023

8:30 - 17:30 DCCAF pre-congress workshop on Farm Animal Welfare - Duetto Hall
9:00 - 17:00 LIFT: Lifting Farm Animal Lives – Laying the Foundations for Positive Animal Welfare - Allegro Hall
9:00 - 17:00 LIFT - Bolero I Hall
9:00 - 16:00 Council Meeting - Andante Hall


August 1st, 2023


Registration (the desk remains open through the day)
  Grande Hall
09:00-09:15 Opening Ceremony
09:15-09:30 On EDIA matters

Wood-Gush-Memorial Lecture

Found in translation: Ode an die Freude
prof. Jaanus Harro, University of Tartu, Estonia

Chair: Mark Rutter, Harper Adams University
Bolero Hall

10:15-10:45 Coffee break in the lobby

Miscellaneous Section (Ruminants)
Chair: Marek Špinka, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Grande Hall

PLF and Other New Techniques for Measuring Animal Behaviour
(Pigs and sheep) 

Chair: Bas RodenburgAnimals in Science and Society, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University

Bolero Hall


Social ranking and personality modulate learning in cows managed in automatic milking systems

Francesca Johansen, Queens University Belfast

Associations between salivary biomarkers, and respiratory health status and activity level measured by PLF sensors in pigs

Heng-Lun Ko, Department of Animal and Food Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona


Spontaneous head-related behaviours three weeks after caustic paste disbudding in dairy calves

Alycia Drwencke, Center for Animal Welfare, Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis

Computer vision as a means to determine optimal sampling interval for feeding behaviour duration of finisher pigs

Mona Lilian Vestbjerg Larsen, Section of Behaviour, Stress and Welfare, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark


Cow-calf contact rearing in pasture-based dairy production – Farmer’s motivations and experiences

Susanne Waiblinger, Institute of Animal Welfare Science, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

What is that smell? Development of a scale to assess pigs’ immediate behavioural reaction to novel odours

Rebecca Grut, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)


Pair-housed dairy calves may show more social adjustment shortly after weaning compared to individually-housed calves

Beth Ventura, Department of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln

A critical note on meal criteria in growing-finishing pigs: behaviour between feeder visits

Jacinta Bus, Animal Production Systems group, Wageningen University & Research


Development and responsiveness of a grimace scale for pain assessment in Angus beef calves

Mostafa Farghal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Sow activity patterns elaborated from computer vision data are associated with piglet growth in early lactation

Océane Girardie, INRAE


Validation of a health-related quality of life tool for respiratory disease in dairy calves

Marie Haskell, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Edinburgh

Individual and pen level behavior as early indicator of post-weaning diarrhea in newly-weaned piglets

Vivian Witjes, Farm Animal Health, Department Population Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Blood in milk as a result of injurious social behaviour in horned dairy cows: exploration of herd incidences and prevention opportunities

Asja Ebinghaus, University of Kassel, Farm Animal Behaviour and Husbandry Section

Social networks in pigs based on computer vision: impacts of proximity definitions

Clémence Orsini, Adaptation Physiology, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands


Towards a deeper understanding of whether goats understand photos as referential depictions of conspecifics

Jan Langbein, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Institute of Behavioural Physiology, 18196 Dummerstorf, Germany

Computer vision system to identify lameness in sows

Tauana Maria De Paula, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of University of São Paulo


Evaluating the consistency of dairy goat kids’ responses to two methods of assessing fearfulness

Holly Vickery, University of Reading

Vision-AI for animal welfare: automatic detection of sheep lameness analysing face, gait and motion from video

Marwa Mahmoud, University of Glasgow

13:00-14:00 Lunch / Student Lunch in restaurant Merineitsi
14:00-15:30 Human-Animal Interactions (Ruminants)
Chair: Beth Ventura, Department of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln
Grande Hall
Behaviours as Indicators of Positive Welfare (Pigs)
Chair: Heleen van de Weerd, Cerebrus Associates
Bolero Hall

Effects of tactile stimulation and application of umbilical disinfectant on preweaned beef calves’s reactivity to human handling: Preliminary results

Victor Brusin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada

The drinking fountain: Do pigs donate food to conspecifics?

Jean-Loup Rault, Institute of Animal Welfare Science, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna


Indication of social buffering in disbudded calves

Katarína Bučková, Iowa State University

Variation in physical contact between pigs

Piero Seddaiu, Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology Polish Academy of Sciences


Examining fear responses during artificial insemination in dairy cattle

Jennifer Heinsius, Animal Welfare Program, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada

Effect of light intensity on behavioural welfare indicators in growing-finishing pigs

Alice Scaillierez, Animal Production Systems group, Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands


A comparison of industry and public perceptions of dairy cow handling scenarios

Jennifer Van Os, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Auditory laterality in pigs and the emotional valence hypothesis

Charlotte Goursot, Institute of Behavioural Physiology, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf; Institute of Animal Welfare Science, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna


Tactile stimulation reduces the heart rate of newborn Nellore calves subjected to handling procedures

Mateus Paranhos Da Costa, São Paulo State University, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences

Assessment of lying down behaviour in temporarily crated lactating sows

Gudrun Illmann, Department of Ethology, Institute of Animal Science, Czech Republic


Fear of humans or fear of isolation - The role of conspecifics in behavioural testing in sheep

Leigh Atkinson, Animal Welfare Science Centre, Faculty of Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Can we promote positive welfare in pigs through play behaviour?

Karolina Steinerova, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

15:30-15:50 Poster presentations in oral format Poster presentations in oral format
15:50-16:15 Coffee break in the lobby

Human Animal Interactions

Chair: Sebastian McBrideAberystwyth University

Grande Hall

PLF and Other New Techniques for Measuring Animal Behaviour
(Dairy Calves)

Chair: Marie Haskell, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department, Scotland’s Rural College
Bolero Hall


Owner's recognition of sentience improves welfare of donkeys in challenging working environment

Syed Saad Ul Hassan Bukhari, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

Contact to their own calf slightly alters the activity patterns of dairy cows, but has no influence on their rhythmicity

Marie Schneider, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Institute of Organic Farming,Germany


Early human contact and fear of novelty and humans in piglets

Lauren Hemsworth, Animal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne

Baby's firsts: Onset of feed intake and rumination in milk-fed dairy calves

Blair Downey, Department of Animal Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


A long-term positive human-animal relationship does not improve pigs’ response to an LPS immune challenge

Océane Schmitt, Institute of Animal Welfare Science, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict disease in preweaned dairy calves

Rielle Perttu, University of Minnesota


Early-life positive human contact causes quicker stabilisation of piglet behaviour following weaning

Katelyn Tomas, Centre for Animal Science, QAAFI and School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Australia

Food neophobia test explains variation in feeding behavior and performance during the milk-feeding and post-weaning periods in dairy calves

Megan Woodrum Setser, University of Kentucky


Sows fear of human is transmitted to their weaned piglets and impacts piglets behaviour in a spatial memory test

Celine Tallet, INRAE

Effects of bovine respiratory disease on dairy calves’ position within a social network

Katie Gingerich, University of Florida


Assessment of health and welfare of Asian Elephant in Human Elephant Conflict (HEC) situations in India

Kafil Hussain, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-Jammu)

The validation of an alert based on changes in milk feeding behaviour to identify calves at-risk for diarrhea

Melissa Cantor, The Pennsylvania State University, Animal Science



The effect of early intervention using a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug on diarrhea severity and feeding behaviour in dairy calves

Allison Welk, University of Guelph, Population Medicine

18:15-19:00 Student Meet & Greet in Valuutabaar
19:00-21:00 Welcome reception in the lobby area



August 2nd, 2023

9:00-9:45 Plenary Talk
Having a friend close-by: social preference in piglets and its relevance at weaning
Dr. Irene Camerlink, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Grande Hall
09:50-11:20 Human-Animal Interactions (Companion animals)
Chair: Jean-Loup RaultInstitute of Animal Welfare Science, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Grande Hall
Behaviours as Indicators of Positive Welfare (Ruminants) 
Chair: Jan LangbeinResearch Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Institute of Behavioural Physiology,
Bolero Hall

Using silent video footage to assess the objective and subjective difficulty of the interpretation of dog emotions by members of the public

Jana Muschinski, Dogs Trust

Nursing behaviour of dairy cows in different cow-calf-contact conditions

Emma Hvidtfeldt Jensen, Section of Behaviour, Stress and Welfare, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark


Relation between healthy test-persons’ immediate physiological responses during different intensities of contact with a dog

Lene Høeg Fuglsang-Damgaard, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark

Do dairy cows change lying location according to the audibility of music and does music affect milk yield?

Frank Tuyttens, Animal Sciences Unit, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), Melle


Do nonlinear phenomena in puppy whines signal distress to human listeners?

Mathilde Massenet, ENES Bioacoustics Research Lab, ENES/CRNL, University of Saint-Etienne

Daily behaviours of calves raised in a cow-driven cow-calf-contact system

Laura Whalin, Norwegian Veterinary Institute


Comparing quantitative and impression-based measures of the immediate reaction of nursing home residents to dog visits

Karen Thodberg, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University

Visual judgement bias of dairy cows housed with or without their calves

Heather Neave, Section of Behaviour, Stress and Welfare, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark


Understanding feline feelings: An investigation of cat owners’ perceptions of cat behavior

Lauren Powell, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Social interactions and play behaviour of dairy calves in a cow-calf contact system on pasture

Romane Gillet, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Institute of Organic Farming, Germany


Acoustic parameters of rock cavy’s (Kerodon rupestris) whistle as an ecological indicator of anthropic impact on a threatened habitat

Sérgio Nogueira-Filho, State University of Santa Cruz

Welfare assessment of working horses and their owners perceive: The case of South Darfur state, Sudan

Saber YagoubAnimal Welfare Center, Nyala, Sudan

11:20-11:45 Coffee break in the lobby
11:45-13:00 Miscellaneous Section (Pigs)
Chair: Jeremy MarchantUnited States Department of Agriculture, ARS, LBRU
Grande Hall
Laboratory Animal Behaviour
Chair: Anna Olssoni3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
Bolero Hall

Novel behavioural test in piglets using a laser pointer: a pilot study

Ruan Daros, Graduate Program in Animal Science, School of Life Sciences, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil

Using Chronic Unpredictable Stress to investigate ‘inactive-but-awake’ behaviour as a welfare indicator in laboratory rats

Lauren Young, University of Guelph, Integrative Biology


The importance of carefully selecting vocalization parameters to quantify pain and stress in piglets

Mathilde Coutant, Section of Behaviour, Stress and Welfare, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark

Rat handling practices: what do rats want?

Carly O'malley, Charles River


Veterinary functional music enhances variations in diurnal salivary cortisol concentrations in farm pigs

Juliana Zapata Cardona, Grupo de Investigación QUIRON, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad de Antioquia

Rat ultrasonic vocalisations during the “tickling” procedure are individually consistent and unaffected by previous intraspecific play experience

Marek Špinka, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague


Do barren lives make pigs’ time go by more slowly than enriched ones?

Kristina Kull, Institute of Livestock Sciences, Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna


Feel good songs: playback of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalisations induces a positive affective state and increases play in juvenile male Wistar rats

Tayla Hammond, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)


Using behaviour to detect gastric ulcers in pigs

Stephanie Buijs, Agrifood and Biosciences Institute (AFBI)

Emotional contagion in collateral and separated pens exposed to social challenge

Raúl David Guevara, AWEC Advisors S.L.

13:00-14:00 Lunch / Eating with Ethologists in restaurant Merineitsi
14:00-15:45 Behaviours as Indicators of Positive Welfare (Poultry)
Chair: Oluwaseun IyasereDepartment of Animal Physiology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria; Animal Husbandry Systems and Ethology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Grande Hall

Companion Animal Behaviour

Chair: Karen ThodbergDepartment of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University

Bolero Hall


Optimistic chickens? How environmental complexity impacts slow-growing broiler chickens in a social-pair judgment bias test

Marconi Italo Lourenco Da Silva, Department of Animal Production and Preventive Veterinary Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (FMVZ), São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), Brazil

Unwanted Scratching Behavior in Cats: Influence of Management Strategies and Cat and Owner Characteristics

Alissa Cisneros, Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas


Do laying hens perceive a difference between enriched cages and deep litter pens?

Katarina Pichova, Centre of Biosciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Domestic Cat Chronobiology: Diurnal, Lunar and Seasonal Rhythms

Janko Skok, University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Animal Science


Probiotic supplement induces optimism in laying hen chicks

Louise Hedlund, Linköping University

The effect of altering the microbiome on aspects of equine sleep and emotional state and cognitive performance

Sebastian Mcbride, Aberystwyth University


Play stimulation in commercial hatchery hatched chicks as a potential buffering mechanism for early stress

Enya Van Poucke, Linköping University

Does personality influence cognitive and emotional behaviours in dogs?

Else Verbeek, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Affect (anxiety) in broiler chickens is impacted by strain, body weight, and environmental complexity

Alexandra Ulans, School of Animal Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA

The Effects of Weeklong Fostering on Shelter Dog Welfare

Lisa Gunter, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, USA



Cultural perspectives as central to dog rescue: Insights from interviews with Indian animal shelter staff and Canadian rescuers who import dogs

Alexandra Protopopova, Animal Welfare Program, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, The University of British Columbia


Unflappable: Wing Flapping of Aviary-Housed Laying Hens Following Spatial Restriction

Janice Siegford, Michigan State University, Animal Sciences

Investigating Inter-Observer Agreement and the Effectiveness of the Temperament Test using a Dog Socialization and Training Program

Parizad Baria-Unwalla, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


15:45-16:05 Poster presentations in oral format Poster presentations in oral format
16:05-16:30 Coffee break in the lobby
16:30-19:00 Workshops

How to overcome our challenges? Stimulating collaboration between ethologists and animal welfare scientists from different world regions

Emeline Nogues, Animal Welfare Program, The University of British Columbia

Bianca Vandresen, Animal Welfare Program, The University of British Columbia

Grande Hall

The challenges of animal-centred farming

Fleur Hoorweg, Researcher Animal Health and Welfare, Wageningen Livestock Research

Bolero Hall


The Cumulative Pain Framework: how to use it to measure suffering in animals

Wladimir Alonso,

Cynthia Schuck-Paim, Center for Welfare Metrics

Grande Hall

Designing an Undergraduate Animal Science Course Using Kolb’s Cycle of Experiential Learning

Melissa Elischer, Michigan State University Extension

Bolero Hall

20:00 - 23:00 Medieval  dinner at restaurant Olde Hansa (optional), no transport organized, a nice walk through the old town. Find the route here!



August 3rd, 2023

09:00-09:45 Plenary Talk
Survival of the tamest - rewinding domestication of chickens
Prof. Per Jensen, Linköping University, Sweden
Grande Hall


Linking Behaviour and Genetics 

Chair: Per JensenLinköping University, Sweden

Grande Hall

Abnormal Animal Behaviour
Chair: Gudrun IllmannDepartment of Ethology, Institute of Animal Science, Czech Republic
Bolero Hall

Play ontogeny in young chickens is affected by domestication

Rebecca Oscarsson, Linköping University, Sweden

The incidence of tail biting in pigs reared under commercial conditions in Australia

Rutu Galea, Animal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne


Association between thyroid stimulating hormone receptor gene and fear behaviour in FUNAAB Alpha broiler chickens

Samuel Durosaro, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Performance in a reversal learning task predicts the outcome of aggressive interactions in pigs

Victoria Lee, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)


Genetic influences on the use of resources in cage-free housing of laying hens

Sabine G. Gebhardt-Henrich, ZTHZ, Division of Animal Welfare, University of Bern

Are re-directed oral behaviours associated with gastric ulcers in pigs?

Laura C Salazar, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)


Under pressure - Effects of early social mixing and genetic line on agonistic interactions and skin wounds in young sows in a paired interaction test after weaning of their first litter

Linda Marie Backeman Hannius, Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Exploring the effects of dietary amino acids levels on the social behaviour of pigs

Eleanor Hewett, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)


Does coat color in Holstein heifers predict behavioral and physiological reactivity?

Joanna Platzer, Department of Animal Sciences, Virginia Tech, United States of America

Effects of provision of softwood planks on behaviour and performance of growing pigs

Ayoola Oluyemi, Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan and Institute of Drug Research and Development Afe Babalola University

11:05-11:30 Coffee break in the lobby
11:30-13:00 Behaviours as Indicators of Positive Welfare
Chair: David ArneyInstitute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences
Grande Hall

PLF and Other New Techniques for Measuring Animal Behaviour

Chair: Mark RutterHarper Adams University
Bolero Hall


The effects of amount of peat bedding on horses’ recumbency and sleep-like-behavior - Preliminary results

Heli Suomala, Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki and Equine Information Center, Finland

Computer vision to measure 3D kinematics in dairy cows: evaluating variability in ease of movement in free-stalls

Adrien Kroese, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Intraspecific social behavior in donkeys (Equus asinus): Circadian distribution and characterization

Miina Lõoke, University of Padova

Effects of cow reproductive status, parity and lactation stage on behaviour and heavy breathing indications of a commercial accelerometer during hot weather conditions

Lisette Leliveld, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan


Diversity and novelty in environmental enrichment increases enrichment use in juvenile American mink (Neovison vison)

Gabrielle Clark, Department of Animal Science and Aquaculture, Dalhousie University

Binary classification of dairy cow behaviour using vision transformers

Luke Byrne, Strathclyde University


Does environmental enrichment impact the behaviour and welfare of bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps)?

Agnese Crisante, Department of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln

Automatic detection of atypical head lunge movements of dairy cows in free-stall cubicles using accelerometers and machine learning

Stijn Brouwers, Centre for Proper Housing of Ruminants and Pigs, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO), Switzerland


Play behavior as a positive welfare indicator for farmed paca (Cuniculus paca)

Selene Nogueira, State University of Santa Cruz

Developing an easy-to-use mobile application for weight and health assessment in dairy cattle: could AI help?

Oleksiy Guzhva, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biosystems and Technology


Successive Negative Contrast: An Appropriate Approach to Measure Affective State in Dogs?

Anna Olsson, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Automatic behavior assessment of young bulls in pen using machine vision technology

Agathe Cheype, Institut de l'élevage, France

13:00-14:00 Lunch / Table Topics in restaurant Merineitsi
14:00-15:30 Miscellaneous Section (Pigs)
Chair: Lauren HemsworthAnimal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne
Grande Hall
PLF and Other New Techniques for Measuring Animal Behaviour
Chair: Janice Siegford, Michigan State University, Animal Sciences

An analysis of livestock welfare investigations in extensive farming systems in Victoria

Natarsha Williams, Animal Welfare Science Centre, University of Melbourne

The relationship between reticulorumen pH and feeding behaviour of finishing steers fed a high-concentrate ration

Rachael Coon, Center for Animal Welfare, Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis


The history of animal welfare and its connection to ethics

Jes Lynning Harfeld, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University

An ecologically meaningful multi-choice system to assess animal wanting

Lorenz Gygax, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Life Sciences, Albrecht Daniel Thaer Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Animal Husbandry and Ethology, Germany


One welfare? Animal welfare views regarding conservation translocations

Karmel Ritson, Estonian University of Life Sciences

The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the distance travelled by reindeer in the wilderness after castration

Hanna Nurmi, Research Centre for Animal Welfare, Department of Production Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki


The effects of a molasses block enrichment on behavior and welfare of sows post-mixing

Jeremy Marchant, United States Department of Agriculture, ARS, LBRU

Piling characteristics of individual laying hens in small experimental flocks

Ariane Stratmann, Center for proper housing: poultry and rabbits (ZTHZ), Division of Animal Welfare, VPH Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland


Effects of sow grouping practices on piglet development and behaviour in relation to prenatal stress

Karen F. Mancera, University of Saskatchewan, 52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon

The individual assessment of responses of laying hens to a human stimulus and a novel object in relation to piling behaviour

Maxine Rice, Animal Welfare Science Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne, Australia


Effects of Sow Grouping Practices on Mixing Aggression and Productivity

Jennifer Brown, Prairie Swine Centre Inc., Canada

Walking well or waddling: automated assessment of broiler leg health

Malou Van Der Sluis, Animal Breeding and Genomics, Wageningen University & Research

15:30-15:50 Poster presentations in oral format Poster presentations in oral format
15:50-16:15 Coffee break in the lobby
16:15-17:30 Behaviours as Indicators of Positive Welfare (Livestock)
Chair: Jeremy MarchantUnited States Department of Agriculture, ARS, LBRU
Grande Hall
Laboratory Animal Behaviour/Fish Behavior
Chair: Birte NielsenRISE Research Institute of Sweden
Bolero Hall

Effects of enriched environment on behaviour, growth and health of goat kids before weaning

Marianne Berthelot, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (Anses), France

Effect of simulated road transport on the behaviour and welfare of largemouth bass

Yifei Yang, School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Australia


Genetic and environmental influences on the assessment of positive experiences in laying hens

Manja Zupan Šemrov, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science

The effects of environmental enrichment on behaviour and welfare of juvenile Atlantic Salmon

Pamela Prentice, Faculty of Natural Science, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, United Kingdom


Use of qualitative behavioural assessment to investigate affective states of housed dairy cows under different environmental conditions

Alison Russell, The University of Nottingham

Conventional laboratory housing reduces sociability in mice which is predicted by life-long poor welfare

Lindsey Kitchenham, University of Guelph, Integrative Biology



Depressed, dysphoric or merely stressed: Do conventional laboratory cages induce affective disorders in mice?

Aileen Maclellan, University of Guelph, Integrative Biology



Automated monitoring of animal behaviour in infectious disease studies: a case study with sheep infected with Toxoplasma gondii

Harmen Doekes, Animal Breeding and Genomics, Wageningen University & Research

17:40-18:40 Annual General Meeting (Grande Hall)
20:00 - 23:30 Festive evening in the Seaplane Harbour (optional). Information about transport under subsection Festive Dinner



August 4th, 2023



Plenary Talk
Improved animal welfare and valid animal-based research: what are the links?
 Prof. Georgia Mason, University of Guelph, Canada
Grande Hall
09:50-11:35 Miscellaneous Section
Chair: Linda GreeningHartpury University
Grande Hall
Abnormal Animal Behaviour
Chair: Bjorn Forkman, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Bolero Hall

Feather fault bars and clinical welfare indicators for female broiler breeder pullets under qualitative feed restriction

Fernanda Tahamtani, Animalia, Norwegian Meat and Poultry Research Centre, Oslo

Can tail lesion status of pigs at the end of the finishing period be predicted on arrival?

Anna Valros, Research Centre for Animal Welfare, Department of Production Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki


Shining light on laying hen cognition: the effect of light during incubation depends on task and hybrid

Maëva Manet, Animals in Science and Society, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University

Flow direction matters: hatchery-reared Coho Salmon develop less otolith deformities in tanks with alternating water flow direction

Leigh Gaffney, University of Victoria, Department of Biology


Play behaviour, fear responses and walking ability of conventional and organic broilers

Sigga Rasmussen,Section of Behaviour, Stress and Welfare, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Tjele

Light intensity during early life influences plumage condition of pullets

Kaitlin Wurtz, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark


Whoa, No-Go: Evidence consistent with model-based strategy use in horses during an inhibitory control task

Louise Evans, School of Animal, Rural & Environmental Science, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom



Pain state alters the response of lambs in an emotional reactivity test

Danila Marini, Davies Livestock Research Centre, The University of Adelaide, Australia

Does weaning age and litter sex-ratio affect the copulatory success of male European mink (Mustela lutreola)?

Kairi Kiik, University of Tartu, Estonia


A scenario study to understand the climatic cost of impaired welfare on dairy sheep using a deterministic modelling approach

Lydia Lanzoni, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Teramo

Do European mink show preference for conspecific scents during breeding season?

Andrea Marin, University of Navarra


Individual differences in aggressive behaviours initiated by sheep in a competitive feeding environment

Bonnie Mayes, University of New England

Development of abnormal oral behaviors in dairy cattle in the first 6 months of life

Isabelle McDonald-Gilmartin, Center for Animal Welfare, Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis

11:35-12:00 Hearty Farewell Coffee break in the lobby
12:00-13:00 Closing ceremony (Grande Hall)
14:00 Tallinn City Tour (optional)



August 5th, 2023

  • 9:00 - Scientific excursion to 3 farms (optional). Starting from Viru Sokos Hotel
  • 10:00  - Tourist excursion to Lahemaa (optional). Starting from Viru Sokos Hotel

Information about Scientific- and Tourist excursions here